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A sharing by James Ho for this song:

Ever since the pandemic outbreak began in early 2020, it has had a detrimental global effect. Apart from the continually growing number of Covid-19 deaths, the whole world suffered from an economic downturn. As a result, lots of businesses closed down and many people lost their jobs. Under constant pressure and anxieties, people became more short-fused and were easily provoked to anger. Human relationships severed and violent outbreaks became more frequent.

As 2021 is drawing to a close, we see no end to the control of the coronavirus. In fact, the virus turned mutant from one form (Delta) to another (Omicron). The latest variant Omicron can penetrate into human beings and remain undetected for weeks without any symptoms.

Regardless of nationality or race, everybody is anxious about what will happen next. Are we already in the end times as in the days of Noah (the earth was corrupt and filled with violence)? Who can deliver us from this misery?

Deut 4:29 you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.

It reminds me of the song “You Alone!” Only God can deliver us from all this misery if we seek Him with all our heart and soul. He will grant us peace beyond understanding even in the midst of crisis and turmoil.


2021年即将结束,仍然看不到这新冠病毒被控制的迹象。反而,这病毒开始变异,先为 Delta ‘德尔塔’,最近又变异为Omicron ‘奥米克’。这‘奥米克’变异株能潜伏在人体内几周而不被发现。


申命记 4:29



(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church